
Friday, 26 October 2012

Model Release

By having a model release form filled out by models means that my models have agreed to do the photo shoot and that I can use the photos for anything in my magazine. 



By completing this task, I have learnt the name of the camera that I used. Also I had set out my photo shoot in a professional way as I have used professional lighting and a white back drop and high quality camera. 

Inclusion of New Media

Nowadays we have many social networking sites, the two most common are Facebook and Twitter. Many people have either one of these accounts. I will have both of these social networking accounts as this is any eas way for me to communicate to my target audience about the latest news and give them sneak peeks to what’s new etc. As well as this I will have a website for my magazine. This is where it will contain pictures and videos that won’t be found in the magazine. In magazines you can’t have videos this is why I will be creating a website; these videos can be exclusive interviews with artists or even just new music. I believe that this will meet the expectations of my target audience as not everyone likes to read they would prefer to watch a video of some sort.  

Promotional Methods

My magazine will be a monthly issue, therefore it will be a bit expensive which means I will be promoting my magazine somewhere where people go to spend quite a lot of money. These place include shopping centers such as Westfields.
 As my target audience is aimed at teenagers I think that promoting my magazine at Westfields is a good idea as you see many teenagers up in Westfields shopping or spending time with there friends.
 Also I will have a Twitter and Facebook page where I will be writing some tweets to tell people what they can expect in the next magazine issue. I  think this is a good way to promote my magazine as many teenagers have a Twitter and Facebook page where they visit everyday. This will also allow readers who haven't bough the magazine to have an idea of what is inside and the latest gossip and competitions. 


Another way in which I will promote my magazine will be by having posters in tube stations and bus stops as teenagers use public transport all the time therefore they will see the magazine cover and will be interested in the magazine. 

Props / Costumes

Props and Costumes 

Above is a slideshow highlighting the different costumes my models wore in the several photo shoots that I did. As my magazine genre is based around the pop industry for teenagers I have stuck to clothes that my target audience would wear. 


I found that doing this task allowed me to have a clear understanding of the colour scheme that I will be using throughout my magazine. This way I will know exactly what colours to use. I have made sure that my colour scheme is noticeable to my target audience, as in pop magazines you would see bright colours on the front cover and throughout the magazine. 

Name Ideas & Designs

I will be calling my magazine Rhythmix, I have got his name from two words 'rhythm' and 'mix'. This is called a composite. Above our some designs for my masthead. I have used a drop shadow in each of them as I think it makes the masthead stand out more. I have used my house colours. By creating these designs will help me when creating my magazine as I will already have a brief idea.

Audience Data

Audience Data

This is the survey results that I collected, by completing this task allowed me to see what my target audience expect in a magazine and the times of prices, freebies etc. This would then help me when creating my magazine as I would have addressed my target audience. 

Wednesday, 24 October 2012


I have created a Survey using Survey Monkey. The quantitative information I collect from this survey will help me when creating my magazine. This is because I will have my target audience filling out the survey and it will allow me understand what they want in the magazine.

Please fill out my suvey:

Monday, 22 October 2012

Target Audience

Target Audience

This task allowed me to think about my target audience and the uses and gratifications for my target audience. Uses and gratifications is important to follow as this is key to a successful magazine as you will be thinking of the expectations of your target audience. 



Above is my proposal for my music magazine. By creating a proposal allowed me to think in advance for my magazine which made it much easier for me to complete my tasks. 

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Location Ideas

By completing this task allowed me to think of places for my photo shoot. Hopefully on the day of the photo shoot the weather will be similar to the images above. 

Friday, 19 October 2012

Image Ideas

Image Ideas

I done some research on some models that have inspired me in the types of poses I could get my models to do. I found this task really useful as it will help me when I do my photo shoot.

Wordle - Words Associated With Pop

I have made a word mood board with words associated with pop music and my target audience. This includes music channels, different arenas such as Wembley Arena, shops where my target audience buy clothes and many other words. 

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Production Log: Monday 15th October 2012

In today’s lesson, I began to do some research for Institution and the different publishing houses. This was so that it would make it easier for me to do my Prezi. I researched the definition of institution and how magazines make money and the different publishing houses. I had to make sure that I researched well into the different publishing houses as towards the end of my magazine I will have to choose one of these publishing houses to distribute my magazine. Whilst researching into institution I learnt that advertising and marketing is also involved. For example websites and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Next Tuesday I have my photo shoot and if the weather is alright I will be taking a few photos outside as this will give a different variety of images shown on my contact sheet.

Existing Names & Mastheads

This was a useful task as I learnt the different types of names used to describe a masthead. This got me thinking of the type of masthead that I will use for my magazine. I'm thinking of having an Acronym which includes two words related to music. 

Institution - Publishing houses and distribution of magazines

When completing this task I learnt what a media institution was and the types of publsing houses involved in the distribution of a magazine. I also learnt how magazines make money, which is by these publishing houses advertising the magazine. This could be by having a website for the magazine or even social networking sites. 

Audience - How Magazines Are Consumed

This task allowed me to do some research on the target audience for my magazine. This also allowed me to see what type of things to include in my magazine and what not to include. This task was useful as this way I will be meeting the expectation of my target audience. 

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Original Post

This is my website for Now Music Magazine
For homework I had to come up with an original post, this had to be something that was related to the course and that wasn't already a task, so I designed a website for my magazine. By having a website allows the readers to read up on the latest news, meaning they don't have to buy the magazine. Although there are people that like to collect magazines. 

Friday, 12 October 2012

Production Log: Friday 12th October 2012

In today’s lesson I took some time towards the lesson to improve my posts, this included improving my production logs as I didn’t have them detailed enough which meant I hadn’t completed them to the best of my ability. I made sure that each of my production logs was a good paragraph long and included details and were needed print screens or images of my work or software used. Another improvement I did in this time was to add an explanation after each task which explained what the task was about. This made each post appear more professional as to just having the work with no introduction about it. 
Also in today’s lesson I began to look at existing magazine names in more depth and learnt about the types of names there are.

Examples of existing names:

Acronym - NME
Symbolic/Connotive - Kerrang
Phrase - Top of the Pops
Composite - MixMag

We also got set homework, this was to come up with an original post that was related with the course and that was not already a task on the sheet. I decided to create a website; this is because I had been researching a lot of pop magazine websites for inspiration. 

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Representation of Artists & Music Genres

Representation Of Artists/Genres Of Music 

By completing this task allowed me to do research on my chosen genre of music which is pop. I researched the different variety of music genres which also gave me an insight to what my pop magazine will be up against. Also I researched how pop magazines are identified to the audience when put against another music genre. This allowed me to understand the conventions needed to make up a pop magazine. 

Monday, 8 October 2012

Production Log: Monday 8th October 2012

In today’s lesson as I was on the billboard website I noticed that I should have an app for smart phones where my target audience are able to read online my magazine and find out the latest music with an updated music chart. Some ideas that I will be putting on my front cover will be an app for smart phones, this is so that people can read magazines daily and the articles will be all recent and not out of date. I will have a picture of an iPhone with the app for my magazine on it and I will have my article on the screen. 

This is an example of an app that Billboard have of a chart update.

I also began to research on Representation shown in a music magazine. This included key artists, awards and performances/venues. I also began to research into the types of audience. For example who and why do people read magazines and how do they read them, some people may buy the magazine as they might be a collector and some may read the magazine online. People who have a smart phone may read a magazine on an app that they have downloaded. 

Friday, 5 October 2012

Production Log: Friday 5th October 2012

In today's lesson I went through my blog with Sir, this is so that I had everything on my blog set up properly and things were labelled correctly. I then set myself some homework. This was to do the codes and conventions of a music magazine. I also did a mood board on pop music. I found that creating a mood board was a good idea as this gave me more ideas for my magazine. I researched other mood boards which gave me an idea of the things that I would need to include on my mood board. Some of the things that made up a mood board were album covers, front covers, celebrities on the red carpet and logos of existing companies such as Billboard, Capital FM, and MTV etc. I created my mood board with all these images scattered around the page as this is how I visualise a mood board with lots of different images all on one page. 

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Codes & Conventions

By doing the Codes and Conventions of a music magazine, I have recapped what is needed in the magazine to make it successful. Theses codes and conventions are important to have on the magazine as not only does it make it successful, it makes it interesting and attracts the readers attention into buying the magazine.


This gave me some inspiration when creating the mood board  as I noticed that in the pop industry they use a lot of bright colours and a lot of mid shots and close ups of the artists.